Sunday Morning

Songs & Hymns

  • 10,000 Reasons
  • Before the Throne of God Above
  • All I Have is Christ

Worship Choir

  • O Church Arise

Scripture Reading & Prayer

  • Perry Smith
  • Genesis 3:20-25


  • Pastor C.A. Middleton
  • Appointed to Eternal Life
  • Acts 13:42-52


Sunday Evening

Songs & Hymns

  • Blessed Redeemer
  • Christ Receiveth Sinful Men
  • He Hideth My Soul

Special Music

  • Nancy & Stacy Eddy


  • Pastor C.A. Middleton
  • The Samson Saga Continues
  • Judges 15


  • His Name is Wonderful


Today's Activities

  • Choir Practice  // 4:30p
  • Bible Drill // 4:30p
  • Evening Service // 6p


This Week's Activities

  • Men's Prayer @ R.B. Richardson's // Monday 6a
  • Women's Prayer // Monday 10a
  • Kingdom Kids // Wednesday 6p
  • Youth Group // Wednesday 6p
  • Adult Bible Study // Wednesday 6p
  • Fitness, Fun, and Fellowship // Thursday 6p


Special Announcements

Reach Texas Mission Offering

During September we will seek to raise a goal of $7,000 for the Reach Texas Mission Offering. All money raised goes toward missions and evangelism right here in the state of Texas! We are asking that you pray and consider how you can give towards advancing the gospel here in Texas.

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  • Watch/listen to sermons
  • See upcoming events
  • View each week's bulletin
  • Give online (also available on the website)
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